Female Hair Loss

Female Hair Loss

Hair loss has a huge impact on person’s well-being and self-esteem.  Female pattern hair loss (FPHL) or androgenetic alopecia is the most common form of non-scarring hair loss that primarily occurs in adult women. The condition is characterized by the progressive loss of terminal hairs over the frontal and vertex regions of the scalp, resulting in a visible reduction in hair density.  Unlike many cases of androgenetic alopecia in men (male pattern hair loss), the frontal hairline is often spared.

Androgenetic alopecia is a very common condition. The prevalence of female pattern hair loss in Caucasian women is about 19 percent. Although FPHL can occur at any time in life beginning in puberty, the condition most commonly occurs following menopause as approximately 38 percent of women over the age of 70 years have FPHL.

The visible thinning of hair over the frontal scalp and vertex of the scalp in FPHL results from a progressive decrease in the ratio of terminal hairs to shorter, thinner vellus hairs in the affected areas, a process known as follicular miniaturization.  As part of this process, the duration of the anagen (growth) phase of hair follicles shortens from a normal duration of a few years to only weeks to months. The mechanism of follicular transformation that occurs in FPHL is not completely understood. Androgens and genetic susceptibility do play a critical role.

Androgens — androgenetic alopecia occurs as a consequence of the effects of dihydrotestosterone (a potent metabolite of testosterone) on susceptible hair follicles. Dihydrotestosterone binds to androgen receptors in hair follicles, resulting in the up regulation of genes responsible for the gradual transformation of terminal hair follicles to miniaturized hair follicles.

It is polygenetic ie. multiple genes from both sides of the families contribute to the symptoms. Occasionally, hair loss can be caused by hormone imbalance or polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS).

It is important to distinguish female pattern baldness from another form of hair loss common in women called telogen effluvium. The pattern of telogen effluvium is usually hair loss that is all over the scalp. This usually occurs more suddenly, possibly 3-8 months after a major stressor (illness, hospitalization, childbirth or death in the family). Other causes of telogen effluvium include medications, thyroid disorders and low iron stores.

What are Dr. Reszko’s favorite hair rejuvenation treatment options?

  • PRP (link) (Platelet Rich Plasma) therapy with or without ACELL and micro-needling strengthens, regrows and restores volume
  • Mesopucture with growth factors, anti-inflammatory peptides to restore health of the scalp and enhance hair strength
  • Topical medications: minoxidil and progesterone
  • Oral medications: spironolactone, finasteride, minoxidil
  • Vitamins/supplements: nutrafol, viviscal, biotin, IV therapy

Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy is an increasingly popular hair regrowth solution.  PRP, refers to a portion of whole blood i.e. platelets, that is separated from the blood through the process of centrifugation.

First, blood is withdrawn just like during routine blood testing.  Then the platelets are concentrated and separated.  Once separated, the concentrated platelets are injected into the skin, and also applied topically during and after associated microneedling.  Similar to one’s own stem cells, the platelets can help infuse nutrients into the skin and hair, boosting its natural healing properties.

PRP treatments are used to stimulate the stem cells and inactive scalp hair follicles and help to activate hair regeneration and growth, for thicker, fuller hair.

PRP for Hair Re-Growth

Platelets have been found to contain a number of growth factors and cytokines including:

  • platelet-derived growth factor
  • transforming growth factor beta
  • fibroblast growth factor
  • insulin-like growth factor 1
  • insulin-like growth factor 2
  • vascular endothelial growth factor
  • epidermal growth factor
  • Interleukin 8
  • keratinocyte growth factor
  • connective tissue growth factor

The end benefit of the combination of these growth factors is increased the vascularity to the treated area, decreasing the inflammation, healing and re-generation of tissue and clinically visible hair regrowth.

Length of Procedure/Maintenance Treatments

A single PRP session takes about 60 minutes.  A course of treatments, will be determined by the extent of your hair loss and final goals; however between 3 to 5 sessions, about 4 weeks apart are recommended.  Additional maintenance treatments may be scheduled a 3 to 4 times per year.


Avoid makeup and sunscreen for 24 hours after the procedure.  Redness or inflammation may be common for a few days, post treatment, at the application site, but quickly resolves.

The benefits of PRP It will vary from person to person. Most people have results lasting over a year, and the process can be repeated.

Menopause and hair loss

By 50 years of age, an average woman will lose about 50% of her hair mass. During menopause, the hair loss is exacerbated as estrogen, the hormone most responsible for promoting hair growth, decreases, and testosterone levels increase, disproportionately. This hormonal imbalance causes thinning of the hair, hair loss and unwanted facial hair.

To Avoid Menopausal Hair Loss

  • Relax. It is important to keep stress managed to help preserve hormonal balance.
  • Right diet. Reduce your intake of saturated fats and increase your intake of whole grains and fruits and vegetables.
  • Supplements. Biotin (Vitamin B6) and folic acid may help to stimulate hair growth.
  • Exercise helps contribute to good hormonal balance.
  • Stay away from hair care products that contain chemicals and dyes as well as avoiding very heat-heavy treatments as they can compromise hair and scalp health.


  • 2-5% minoxidil
  • Biotin
  • Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) | Acell MatriStemPRP has been clinically proven to increase hair growth and slow down hair loss resulting in thicker and fuller hair. PRP can restore your hair by attacking the very cause of hair loss or thinning. PRP involves the injection of own plasma and platelets (cells crucial for rapid wound healing after trauma), isolated from the peripheral blood into the scalp. Injected platelets have the ability to produce growth factors, cytokines and other chemical mediators that stimulate and reactivate the dormant hair follicles, initiate the skin regeneration process and stimulate skin remodeling and collagen synthesis. Since own platelets are injected, the PRP treatment is both natural and hypoallergenic.The Acell MatriStem is a synthetic product loaded with factors promoting tissue growth. By injecting these into the scalp, the part of the scalp that feeds the blood to the hair (dermal papilla) is stimulated.PRP can be performed with or without Acell MatriStem.