Laser Hair Removal

Laser Hair Removal

The past decade has brought tremendous advances in laser hair removal technology with newer lasers offering safer, more efficient (fewer sessions required), faster and more comfortable processes.  After laser hair removal, you will have less hair, existing hair will be finer and lighter in color.

To learn more about your unwanted hair treatment options, request a consultation online or call our office at 646 759 8449 to schedule an appointment.

Frequently Asked Questions About Laser Hair Removal
How Do Lasers/Light Source Work to Remove Unwanted Hair?

Lasers and light sources produce bright beams of light that are preferentially absorbed by melanin (the pigment in hair), and causes thermal/heat damage to the hair shaft and follicle without damaging surrounding tissue. The hair follicle is damaged or occasionally destroyed and the dark terminal (adult) hair is either permanently removed or replaced with a vellus (fine, light colored) hair.

What Are the Advantages of Laser Hair Removal?

Traditional hair removal techniques, such as waxing, shaving, and plucking provide only temporary relief. Electrolysis, which may damage hair permanently, involves inserting a needle into each follicle and applying electric current, making it a painful, slow, and tedious process for hair removal.  Only small areas can be treated during a single visit with electrolysis, and many treatments over a period of months to years are required to achieve a satisfactory result, and pitted scarring occasionally may occur. The lasers and light sources used by our staff are safe, effective, and convenient and allow larger areas to be treated during a single visit, with improvement noticeable at times after only one treatment. Repeat treatments are required to achieve the best possible result.

What Does Laser Hair Removal Feel Like?

You might experience mild to moderate discomfort similar to being snapped by a rubber band. Most patients tolerate the procedure without any anesthesia. However, if larger or sensitive areas are to be treated, a topical anesthesia cream is applied one hour before treatment. 

How Will I Look and Care for The Treated Area?

Immediately after the procedure, the treated area may appear slightly swollen and pink and might feel like a mild sunburn. This reaction subsides within minutes to hours. Cool compresses and a topical corticosteroid cream will hasten the disappearance of these symptoms.