Vivace Needling RF for Skin Rejuvenation

Vivace Needling RF for Skin Rejuvenation

Vivace combines microneedling with RF in order to stimulate the body’s natural production of collagen and elastin for improved skin elasticity and lift. The collagen that is built in the skin is your own natural collagen and the procedure will continue to accelerate endogenous collagen production over time.

Frequently Asked Questions about Vivace Needling RF for Skin Rejuvenation
Does the treatment hurt?

To ensure your comfort, topical numbing cream is applied to the skin 30-45 minutes prior to treatment. This allows for your discomfort to be kept to a minimal.

What does the treatment entail?

After the numbing cream is applied for 30-45 minutes the skin is sterilized and the Vivace microneedling tip is applied to the skin to cover entire desired area. The treatment itself takes between 20-45 minutes depending on the size of the area(s) treated.

How many treatments will I need to see results?

Usually multiple (2-5) treatments spaced 1 month apart will yield the best results. However, each patient’s individual skin care needs may vary, so we ask you to schedule an initial consultation prior to undergoing treatment.

What can I expect after the treatment?

Immediately after treatment, we will apply a moisturizing mask in the office to help calm any skin irritation and deliver healing skin serums. At the time of your visit, we will provide you with a nutrient-dense skin serum that we will ask you to apply every hour for 6 hours following the treatment. You may experience minor redness post treatment which will subside within a day or two.

Are there any limitations following the Vivace treatment?

Due to the micro-channels that are created with Vivace we ask you to refrain from putting anything on their skin for 6-8 hours post-treatment (including makeup, SPF, moisturizers, etc.) aside from the skin serum provided to you in the office. We additionally suggest avoiding any products with retinols or strong acids for the next 4-5 days depending on your skin sensitivity.

Is Vivace right for me?

Patients who are experiencing fine lines, wrinkles, and volume loss associated with aging are excellent candidates for Vivace.